FOTOS | “Batman solidario” sale a las calles de Chile para repartir comida a indigentes

Todas las noches porta su traje de murciélago para ayudar a quienes menos tienen

Escrito por: Yesenia Dávila Valdes
En medio de la crisis económica provocada por la pandemia de coronavirus, un desconocido sale todas las noches a las calles de la capital chilena disfrazado de Batman para entregar comida a personas sin hogar.
A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) cooks at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado | IVAN ALVARADO/REUTERS

En medio de la crisis económica provocada por la pandemia de coronavirus, un desconocido sale todas las noches a las calles de la capital chilena disfrazado de Batman para entregar comida a personas sin hogar.

Enfundado en su brillante traje de murciélago, que acompaña con una mascarilla sanitaria, el hombre -que prefiere no ser identificado- entrega algunas decenas de platos de comida caliente a personas en indigencia que se acercan a su vehículo.

“El personaje en sí va netamente por un tema de símbolo (...) un símbolo que uniera a las personas, un héroe que es solidario de punta a punta, tiene una historia bien increíble”, afirmó.

“Esto tiene un sentido (...) para que miremos a quien tenemos al lado, miremos si podemos dedicar un poco de tiempo, un poco de comida, un poco de abrigo, una palabra a veces de aliento al que lo necesita”, agregó.

Las restricciones por la pandemia han golpeado la economía local e impulsado el desempleo, mientras los contagios han llegado a cerca de 390.000 y más de 10.000 fallecidos.

“Se agradece, es una ayuda coherente, es una ayuda con sensibilidad social, como ser humano y eso se agradece en el momento”, dijo Simón Salvador, quien recibió una de las comidas de parte del personaje.

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A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) cooks at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado | IVAN ALVARADO/REUTERS

A costume from a Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) is seen on a table as he dresses up before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado | IVAN ALVARADO/REUTERS

A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) prepares to put on his mask as he dresses up before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado | IVAN ALVARADO/REUTERS

A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) checks his fridge before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado | IVAN ALVARADO/REUTERS

A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) fits his mask as he dresses up before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado | IVAN ALVARADO/REUTERS

A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) prepares to enter his vehicle while delivering charity food rations on the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado | IVAN ALVARADO/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) prepares a food ration after cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) checks his fridge before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) greets a homeless man with an elbow bump while delivering charity food rations in the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) delivers charity food rations in the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A homeless man gestures next to Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman), as he gives out charity food rations in the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A costume from a Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) is seen on a table as he dresses up before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) walks along a street while delivering charity food rations, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) fits his mask as he dresses up before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) drives his vehicle while delivering charity food rations on the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) puts on an apron before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) walks after delivering charity food rations in the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) prepares to enter his vehicle while delivering charity food rations on the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) prepares to put on his mask as he dresses up before cooking at his house, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Santiago, Chile August 13, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 13, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: A Chilean trader and so-called ‘Batman solidario’ (Solidarity Batman) talks to a homeless man while delivering charity food rations in the street, during the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Santiago, Chile August 12, 2020. The man, who dresses up as the comic book superhero Batman, daily cooks around 100 food rations which he self-finances and distributes among neighbors and homeless people. ‘Batman does not possess superpowers, he uses money and intelligence to help, he says.’ Picture taken August 12, 2020. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo | Ivan Alvarado/REUTERS

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Escrito por: Yesenia Dávila Valdes

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